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Environmental & Social Responsibility
Environmental Protection

Shinning responds to the global environmental protection movement and promotes green, low-carbon, and sustainable development. Shenzhen Shinning Electronic Co., Ltd. Commits that continuously evaluating the company's development projects, operational status, process flows and equipment, striving for pollution prevention and continuous improvement, minimizing the company's impact on the environment.

With the increasing global emphasis on environmental protection, Shinning has integrated environmental protection concepts into its product development, manufacturing, and sales processes. In addition to implementing the ISO14001 environmental management system, Furthermore, also invested in a batch of environmental testing equipment to ensure that all products delivered are environmentally friendly and in compliance with the requirements of the European Union's RoHS directive. Shinning's investment and detection level in environmental protection is also leading in the industry.


Serving the Community and Giving Back to Society

Shinning has obtained the Gold Award in Corporate Social Responsibility Achievement through evaluation by the European organization Ecovadis. Besides, also passed the ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification. In Line with the business philosophy of "seeking stability in development, and seeking development in stability, serving the community and giving back to society," as well as the corporate values of "people-oriented, benefiting employees, and synchronizing the growth of employees with company," Shinning has endeavored to create a better working and living environment for employees. The production environment, office space, and employee living areas etc work condition has all been significantly improved to meet top industry standards. At the same time, Shinning will continue to strive to operate and continually create better economic benefits and make contributes to the local economic development.

Company policy on conflict minerals

We do not support or use metals from armed conflict or illegal mining, known as "conflict minerals." Our suppliers are required to investigate the sources of gold, tantalum, tin, tungsten, and other metals in their products and confirm their origins.

Employment Policy and Declaration

Our company declares that under no circumstances do we engage in or participate in activities related to human trafficking and slavery, nor do we collaborate with any enterprise, institution, group, or individual involved in such activities.

Our company commits to not hiring child labor, illegal criminals, trafficked or enslaved individuals during the recruitment process, and we do not collaborate with illegal talent intermediaries, ensuring the protection of underage workers.

Shinning works with customers and suppliers to seek sustainable solutions to illegal labor issues, upholding social responsibility and obligations to promote the healthy development of businesses and industry chains.

Social Responsibility Policy

Care, Dedication

Environmental principles

Compliance, Green

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Health, Happiness

Environmental Policy

1. Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Policy

- Improve energy efficiency, control energy consumption, and reduce pollutant emissions.

- Strengthen energy-saving research, develop and promote new energy-saving technologies, processes, equipment, and materials, and accelerate energy-saving technology upgrades.

2. Water Policy

- Conserve water, improve water recycling and reuse rates.

3. Biodiversity Policy

- Develop and promote recyclable packaging materials to reduce paper usage.

- Actively participate in tree planting and afforestation activities.

- Protect the ecological environment.

4. Local Pollution Policy

- Protect and rationally utilize natural resources to prevent pollution and damage to natural resources.

5. Raw Materials, Chemicals, and Waste Policy

- Improve energy efficiency, control energy consumption, and reduce pollutant emissions.

- Strengthen energy-saving research, develop and promote new energy-saving technologies, processes, equipment, and materials, and accelerate energy-saving technology upgrades.

- Make rational use of raw materials, reduce the use of chemicals, and minimize waste generation.

6. Environmental Impact Policy from Product Use

- Design environmentally friendly products to increase their recyclability and reusability.

7. Environmental Impact Policy from End-of-Life Products

Comply with the environmental protection laws and regulations of the European Union, as well as national and regional regulations, in order to minimize the content of hazardous substances in waste, recycle and reuse end-of-life products, and thus reduce the impact on the environment.

8. Consumer Health and Safety Policy

Produce environmentally friendly and safe products to protect consumer safety.

9. Promoting Sustainable Consumption Policy

Adopt innovative solutions at various stages of the product lifecycle, make systematic changes to achieve sustainability, promote sustainable consumption and production, and directly address environmental challenges.

Business Ethics Policy

1. Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

Shinning opposes corruption and bribery, and adheres to the policy of "compliance with laws and regulations, fair trade, integrity and self-discipline, and opposition to corruption" in business activities. At the same time, Shinning requires all employees to comply with the "Shinning Business Ethics Code" and all other rules and regulations. Any discovery of corrupt or bribery behavior will be stopped and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Those involved in illegal activities will be handed over to law enforcement agencies.

Shinning employees are not allowed to receive or provide bribes. When accepting or providing gifts in the form of products or services, Shinning employees must not exceed generally accepted standard limits (generally accepted standard limits: valued at less than 200 RMB).

1. The company requires all qualified suppliers to sign the "Integrity and Clean Commitment Letter" with Shinning;

2. The company signs the "Integrity and Clean Commitment Letter" with major customers;

3. The company signs the "Ethical Agreement" with all employees;

4. When cooperating with third parties, if necessary, both parties must sign the "Integrity and Clean Commitment Letter".

2. Policy on Conflict of Interest by Shinning

Shinning employees are responsible for avoiding situations and relationships that may lead to conflicts of interest. Employees are prohibited from using their position or leveraging their family members or relatives to gain personal benefits from individuals or companies associated with Shinning. Employees are also not allowed to use the name, power, or identity of Shinning to obtain personal benefits.

Employees are not permitted to engage in activities that may result in conflicts of interest and are encouraged to adhere to the basic principles of avoiding conflicts of interest outlined in the Shinning Code of Business Ethics Handbook.

If a conflict of interest arises and an employee believes that the interests of relevant parties can be safeguarded through legal and ethical means, the employee may proceed with such methods. If in doubt, employees can seek advice from their manager, senior leadership, human resources department, or the general office.

3. Policy on Anti-Fraud by Shinning

Integrity and honesty are fundamental values in all business processes and interactions at Shinning. Therefore, employees of Shinning must act in accordance with the principles of integrity and honesty in their interactions with colleagues, shareholders, suppliers, and customers.

Shinning employees should comply with all relevant domestic and international business laws and regulations within the framework of the company's business location, and promptly and accurately submit all relevant information to the competent authorities and institutions.

During the implementation of activities and procedures, Shinning employees must not attempt to obtain any benefits from public institutions and organizations, regulatory bodies, non-governmental organizations, and political parties, and should maintain an equal distance from them, fulfilling their obligations with a high sense of responsibility.

Regarding Customers:

Employees should adopt a customer-centric approach in their work and respond to customer needs and requests in a timely and proactive manner using appropriate methods. Shinning employees should interact with customers based on the principles of "respect, honor, fairness, equality, and courtesy," and provide relevant services in a timely manner according to the promised conditions.

Regarding Employees:

Ensure that employees can exercise their rights correctly and fully. Shinning treats its employees with honesty and fairness, ensuring a non-discriminatory, safe, and healthy working environment. Shinning encourages employees to strive for self-development, supports voluntary participation in relevant social and group activities, and fosters social awareness. It respects and ensures a balance between employees' personal and professional lives.

To Shareholders:

In order to ensure the continuity of Shinning and create value for Shinning partners, Shinning strives to avoid unnecessary or uncontrollable risks and strives for sustained profits. Shinning acts in accordance with financial discipline and responsibilities, and manages company resources, assets, and employee work schedules according to efficient and cost-saving principles. Shinning strives to enhance its competitiveness and invest in businesses with growth potential or high returns. Shinning will promptly disclose comprehensive and clear financial, strategic, investment, and risk information to shareholders.

To Suppliers/Business Partners:

We will act with respect and fairness as expected by our customers and ensure timely fulfillment of our responsibilities. We will diligently protect the confidentiality of personal, organizational, and business partner-related information. In order to ensure the continuity of Shinning and create value for Shinning partners, Shinning strives to avoid unnecessary or uncontrollable risks and strives for sustained profits. Shinning acts in accordance with financial discipline and responsibilities, and manages company resources, assets, and employee work schedules according to efficient and cost-saving principles. Shinning strives to enhance its competitiveness and invest in businesses with growth potential or high returns. Shinning will promptly disclose comprehensive and clear financial, strategic, investment, and risk information to shareholders.

To Competitors:

Shinning engages in effective competition only within the boundaries permitted by law and ethics, avoiding unfair competition, and striving to construct a targeted competitive structure in society.

4. Shinning's Anti-Money Laundering Policy:

Shinning strictly complies with national and international anti-money laundering laws.

The company strictly adheres to national and international anti-money laundering laws, never engages in any money laundering activities, and never facilitates money laundering activities for any organization. The company also strictly prohibits all employees from participating in money laundering activities.

5. Shinning's Anti-Unfair Competition Policy:

Shinning Electronics Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen consciously follows the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, and honesty in market transactions, adheres to recognized business ethics, respects and protects intellectual property rights, and wins the market with high-quality products and services. The company strictly complies with national and international Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law, resists any unfair competition behavior, and strives to maintain a fair, just, honest, and trustworthy market environment. Shinning engages in effective competition only within the boundaries permitted by law and ethics, avoiding unfair competition, and striving to construct a targeted competitive structure in society.

6. Shinning's Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing Policy:

Shinning promises to focus on environmental protection while conducting business operations to all its shareholders, employees, customers, and the public. Shinning will strive to implement relevant strategies, successfully operate the business, and strive to maximize benefits for all shareholders while ensuring the satisfaction of future generations. Shinning will continuously improve its working methods based on advanced technology and its latest understanding of safety, health, and environmental science. Shinning will continue to fulfill its obligations at all operating locations and make significant progress. The most important aspects include democracy and human rights protection, education and charity activities, and the elimination of crime and corruption. Shinning employees actively participate in social affairs with a strong sense of mission and a positive attitude, and strive to play a role in non-governmental or service sectors or activities for the benefit of society and the public. Shinning employees should respond promptly and act quickly in any workplace. Shinning employees must not accept or provide bribes. When accepting and providing gifts in the form of products or services, Shinning employees must not exceed generally accepted standards. Due to Shinning's professional competence and integrity, its business partners, customers, and other stakeholders trust the company. Shinning will strive to maintain its highest reputation. Shinning provides relevant services within the scope of its company policies, professional standards, obligations, and ethical norms, and fulfills its obligations. Shinning only provides services in its professional field and seeks to cooperate with clients, business partners, and employees who are honest, law-abiding, and ethical. Shinning refuses to cooperate with individuals or organizations that violate social ethics, harm the social environment, or endanger public health. Shinning employees should not express personal opinions in public or on behalf of the company, but should convey the company's viewpoint. When faced with complex situations that may harm Shinning or the company, Shinning employees should first consult relevant personnel according to the appropriate technical and management consulting procedures.

7. Policy on Information Security at Shinning

Confidential information refers to information that may put Shinning at a competitive disadvantage, including business secrets, financial information, undisclosed information, personal information of employees, and information related to confidential agreements between the company and third parties.

Shinning employees should prioritize and make efforts to protect the privacy and confidentiality of company clients, employees, other relevant individuals, and related information. Employees should safeguard the confidentiality of company-related information and only use this confidential information for the purposes of Shinning, ensuring that it is shared only with authorized parties.

Once an employee's contract with the company is terminated, the employee is not allowed to retain copies of confidential documents, projects, specifications, etc., obtained during their employment.

Shinning places great importance on information security and requires all employees involved in company, client, and personal information to learn, familiarize themselves with, and comply with the "Revised EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679" effective from May 25, 2018, strictly adhering to this regulation in transactions and interactions with clients and related parties.

Labor and Human Rights Policy

1. Policy on Employee Health and Safety

- Comply with all applicable laws and other requirements related to occupational health and safety, protecting personal health and safety, and reducing injuries and fatalities; maintain a management system that ensures health, safety, and continuous improvement.

- Strengthen employees' awareness of occupational health and safety and encourage active participation in occupational health and safety control activities.

2. Policy on Working Conditions

- The company and its partners continuously improve working conditions, striving to ensure that workers have a safe and healthy working environment, and are not exposed to hazardous working conditions, ensuring employee health and safety. Employees are required to wear protective equipment as per job requirements to reduce occupational hazards.

- The company should place clear safety warning signs in workplaces with significant risk factors and related machinery and equipment. Educate and supervise operators to strictly adhere to prescribed safety production regulations and operating procedures.

- When signing labor contracts, the company should truthfully inform employees of the existing risk factors and preventive measures at the workplace and job positions.

- Wages should comply with local minimum wage standards, and working hours should comply with labor laws.

3. Labor Relations Policy

The company supports union and employee representative activities, providing meeting venues and refraining from retaliation.

4. Career Management Policy

- Employee self-management is key to successful career planning.

- The organization should conduct career planning and assist employees in planning their careers, providing necessary education, training, job rotation, and other development opportunities to promote the realization of organizational and employee career goals.

5. Child Labor and Forced Labor Policy

- The company strictly prohibits the employment of employees under the age of sixteen and checks for the employment of any employees under the age of sixteen in each internal review.

- The company strictly prohibits forced labor within the company and does not allow the use of violence, threats, or illegal restrictions on personal freedom to force employed employees to work.

6. Diversity, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy

- The company prohibits discrimination against all employees based on race, social class, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation.

- The company cannot interfere with employees' rights related to race, social class, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, and union creed, norms, or requirements.

- The company does not allow coercive, threatening, humiliating, or exploitative sexual behavior, including gestures, language, and physical contact.

7. Basic Human Rights Policy for External Stakeholders

The company supports and complies with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights":

1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

